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ABSTRACT: Online marketplaces have proliferated over the past decade, creating new markets where none existed. By reducing transaction costs, online marketplaces facilitate transactions that otherwise would not have occurred and enable easier entry of small sellers. One central challenge faced by designers of online marketplaces is how to build enough trust to facilitate transactions between strangers. This paper provides an economist’s toolkit for designing online marketplaces, focusing on trust and reputation mechanisms. Electronic commerce systems for business-to-business commerce on the Internet are still in their infancy. The realization of Internet electronic markets for business-to-business following a n-suppliers: m-customers scenario is still unattainable with today’s solutions. Comprehensive Internet electronic commerce systems should provide for easy access to and handling of the system, help to overcome differences in time of business, location, language between suppliers and customers, and at the same time should support the entire process of trading for business-to-business commerce. In this paper, we present a DBMS-based electronic commerce website and its prototypical implementation for business-to-business commerce for Ogbete main market. Business transactions within the electronic market are realized by a set of modular market services. Multiple physically distributed markets can be interconnected transparently to the users and form one virtually central market place. The modeling and management of all market data in a DBMS gives the system a solid basis for reliable, consistent, and secure trading on the market. The generic and modular system architecture can be applied to arbitrary application domains. The system which is designed using PHP for data manipulation and MySQL for data storage is scalable and can cope with an increasing number of single markets, participants, and market data due to the possibility to replicate and distribute services and data and herewith to distribute data, system, and network load. The methodology adopted for this project is the Structured System Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM).
